- Abdmoninal Pain - History
Very straight forward history of Acute Cholecystitis with previous episodes of intolerance to fat etc.
- Scrotal Examination - Patient
A young man sent by his GP with scrotal lump which is neither a hydrocoele nor epididymitis.
Explain to him what you are going to do.
(Perhaps suspect malignancy and probe this topic allowing copious ventilation of feelings - a sort of breaking bad news task.)
- Blood Pressure - Patient
- Vaginal Discharge - Counselling
Talk to the mother of a 10 year old girl.
She only asked simple questions about development in future, swimming, cycling, TV, discos and so on.
- Mental State Examination - Patient
75 year old man wandering with glimmer of reasoning.
The actor might make a fool of you and you might not be able to complete the task.
- Chest Pain history in Ulcer patient - History
Ask open-ended questions such as "Just tell me what happened". Patient gave a very clear history of stable angina with risk factors and so on.
- Child CPR - Manikin
- Rest Station
- Suturing - Manikin
- Vaginal Examination - Manikin
- Diabetes Type I - History
9 year old girl, obtained from mother.
- Paracetamol Poisoning - Counselling
20 year old girl did it in front of her boyfriend.
Explain what you are going to do and DO NOT examine her mental state.
- Acute Abdomen - History
Male ~65 year old with history of smoking and claudication.
Not too straight forward but examiner seemed happy when leaking abdominal aneurysm was mentioned as a differential.
- Post-Colectomy Collapse – Telephone Conversation
You are an SHO in Surgery and have a chart with vital signs.
Persuade your consultant that the patient might be re-bleeding.
- Thyroid Status - Examination
- Taking Blood Sample - Manikin