PLAB 2 - January 2004

  1. Knee Examination - Patient
    A 26 year old girl hurt her knee a week ago while skiing.
    Examine the knee and tell your findings to the examiner.
  2. Caecal Carcinoma - Counselling
    Mr Smith (~55 years old) has been diagnosed with caecal carcinoma. He is due to undergo right hemicolectomy with colostomy and possible end-to-end anastomosis using mid-line laparotomy.
    Discuss the procedure and answer any questions that he may have.
  3. Blood Pressure - Patient
    Young adult male.
  4. Nephrectomy - Counselling
    A 55 year old woman has been diagnosed to have stage 1 Renal cancer on the right side. She is about to undergo radical nephrectomy.
    Discuss the procedure with her husband (she has given consent) and answer his questions.
  5. Fundoscopy - Manikin
    Examine both eyes and tell the examiner what you are doing.
    At the 30-second bell you will be asked to tell your findings and give a diagnosis.
  6. General Anaesthesia - Counselling
    Mr Williams (~55 years old) had internal fixation carried out on his right ankle a year ago. Now he is scheduled for removal of the nails under general anaesthesia in day care.
    Assess the patient for his suitability for the procedure.
  7. Child CPR - Manikin
  8. Rest Station
  1. Venflon insertion - Manikin
  2. STD - Counselling
    A 50 year old male had sex whilst on a business trip.
    Discuss the patient’s fears including investigations. DO NOT discuss HIV testing.
  3. Respiratory System + Peak Flow Meter - Patient
    Mr Jones (~50 years old) is a chronic smoker.
    Examine the respiratory system and do a Peak Flow Meter test at the end. DO NOT take a history.
  4. Epilepsy - Counselling
    18 year old Wendy is diagnosed to have idiopathic epilepsy and has been started on Carbamazapine. She is going to university next month and a neurologist has been arranged to see her.
    Discuss the management with her and answer any questions she may have.
  5. Male Catheterisation - Manikin
    The procedure has been explained to the patient and consent taken. You are gloved.
    Carry out the procedure without wasting time.
  6. Diarrhoea – Telephone Conversation
    You are an SHO in Paediatrics and have to talk to mother of 18 month old Jane over the phone. Jane has had diarrhoea for the last 24 hours and her mother has some diarrhoea as well. Jane had a similar episode 6 months ago and she was subsequently hospitalised.
    Talk to the mother taking a history and advising her.
  7. Diabetic KetoAcidosis - Examiner
    A young (~27 year old) male, known diabetic on Insulin (24 units BD) presented to the A&E with abdominal pain and reduced conciousness.
    Discuss management with the examiner.
  8. Rest Station

Next Day: Some topics [1, 3, 6 (for hysterectomy), 7 (adult), 14 (vomiting) and 15] were repeated with minor variations. The others were:

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