Applying for GPVTS

I have recently applied for GPVTS (General Practice Vocational Training Scheme) and the following is my experience and sincere advice.

When to apply?

It's a little bit too early if you have just started your journey i.e., are taking PLAB 1 especially when rules and regulations change so frequently. PLAB 1 and 2 can prove to be quite big hurdles (not discouraging you but stay focused) so use your leisure / relaxation time to find out about GPVTS.

Applications are usually invited six months before a rotation starts. (Please see below.)

Where to start?

A good starting point is
The website is quite clear and has information and links to everything you need to know.

How to apply?

Applying for GPVTS has changed recently. Now doctors have to apply to a deanery and not to individual hospitals. There are approximately 15 deaneries in the UK (England to be precise) and applications are invited 6 months before the rotations start. You have to keep your eyes open because the window period for availability of application forms and their closing dates is very small - typically 4-5 weeks.

Applicants are encouraged to apply to one (or 2 at the most) deanery only and you have to mention which deanery(ies) you have applied to - this is mandatory and they say they'll get all data together and verify if one has made more applications but not mentioned it. They also ask for your first choice but this is optional.


Almost all deaneries have electronic copies of their application forms which means that you can download them as Microsoft Word or Adobe Acrobat (pdf) files. Then you can fill them on your computer or print the blank forms to fill in by hand.

You must try to prepare answers to a few typical questions which will be asked in almost every application form.

Typically the questions are like:

  • Why do you want to become a GP?
  • Why are you applying to this deanery?
  • From personal experience give examples of
    • Confidentiality
    • Breaking bad news
    • Dealing with a conflict

One important point while filling application forms is to stick to the instructions. If you have filled in your form in blue ink while they insisted on black, your application is more likely to end up in the bin regardless of the contents. Similarly, if they want an answer of 200 or 500 words don’t exceed the limit. (The best way is to compose your answer in Microsoft Word, select you paragraph(s) and click "Tools", "Word Count".)

This is all I can think of. I’ll add more content if anything else comes to mind.

Please contact me if you have any questions or suggestions.

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